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ediscovery Solutions

Unlock your full potential with our comprehensive eDiscovery solutions. Whether you are handling litigation, regulatory investigations, or compliance matters, our technology is designed to optimize your workflow, enhance collaboration, and provide you with the confidence to navigate the complexities of today’s modern legal challenges.

Explore our eDiscovery solutions today and elevate your legal capabilities to new heights.

RelativityOne Certified Partner

Data Management for Law Firms and Corporations


Our end-to-end solution begins with engaging in a consultation for your eDiscovery project. During this consultation, our professionals will collaborate with your team to define project objectives, scope, and key requirements. Through in-depth discussions, the consultation helps tailor the eDiscovery strategy to specific case needs, ensuring a targeted and efficient approach. At Proxiio, we believe that the clear communication and understanding established during the consultation phase lays the foundation for a well-informed and strategic eDiscovery project.


Discover the synergy of innovation and reliability in our data hosting solution, where data management in eDiscovery becomes a streamlined and secure process. We empower your legal team with the tools they need to navigate the intricacies of litigation efficiently.


Proxiio’s Document Review services combine robust subject matter expertise with meaningful, yet flexible processes, enabled with cutting-edge technology. This ensures a comprehensive and error-free review process, all the while delivering significant cost savings tailored to meet your unique needs.
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Productions play a pivotal role in finalizing and presenting relevant case documents for your legal proceedings. Our team will assist in efficiently creating production sets, applying necessary redactions and Bates stamping for legal compliance. We ensure a seamless and organized presentation of documents, streamlining the final stages of the eDiscovery process.


Our collections process is the cornerstone of meticulous eDiscovery, ensuring a strategic and comprehensive approach to gathering electronic and hard copy evidence for legal matters. We specialize in identifying and extracting data from diverse sources, including email servers and document repositories, aligning with the unique requirements of each case. Our collection methodology emphasizes defensibility and precision, laying the foundation for a seamless transition to subsequent stages in the eDiscovery workflow.


Processing is a pivotal stage in the eDiscovery workflow, involving the transformation and organization of electronic data for efficient legal review. Our process begins with the ingestion of diverse data sources, including documents and emails, into our review platform. Deduplication ensures that reviewers focus on unique content, while text extraction enables the conversion of non-text formats for searchability. Metadata extraction, keyword search indexing, and date/time coding enhance the dataset's organization and accessibility. Through rigorous quality control checks, our processing capabilities ensure the accuracy and readiness of the data for a thorough and streamlined legal review process.

Data Analytics & Early Case Assessment (ECA)

Data Analytics and Early Case Assessment (ECA) form a dynamic duo, empowering your legal team to gain valuable insights from vast datasets. Our platform's advanced analytics tools enable us to identify patterns, trends, and key information, providing a strategic advantage in legal proceedings. ECA functionality allows for a preliminary assessment of case merits and risks, aiding in decision-making early in the litigation process. With intuitive dashboards and visualizations, our team will help to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of case dynamics, enhancing efficiency and informed decision-making for your legal team. The integration of data analytics and ECA transforms complex data into actionable intelligence, optimizing the eDiscovery journey.